Return of a Legend: Flappy Bird Will Return More Than 10 Years After It Was Removed from the App Store
- AYG -The re-release of the legendary arcade will be released on iOS again in 2025.

At one time, Flappy Bird contributed to the damage of many gadgets – players’ nerves gave out during the game, after which the smartphone could fly into the wall. The game was released at the beginning of 2014 in the App Store, but its creator Dong Nguyen deleted it only a month later. While the arcade was available on the marketplace, Nguyen earned $ 50 thousand a day on it. Nevertheless, the developer could not stand the fame that fell on him. Then Nguyen wanted to restore the game in the App Store, but due to the rules of the service, this could not be done.

As a result, the rights to the title ended up with Gametech. And recently, The Flappy Bird Foundation Group took these rights. The updated title will be released in 2025 on iOS. The exact dates will be known later.
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